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Project deliverables

D10.1.5 - Final Report

D10.1.5 Final Report

This final report shall comprise:

  • A publishable summary report covering results, conclusions and socio-economic impact of the project.
  • A report covering the wider societal implications of the project including gender equality actions, ethical issues, efforts to spread awareness, as well as the plan for the use and dissemination of the results.

D8.3.1 - Exploitable Prototype System Product

D8.3.1 - Exploitable Prototype System Product

This deliverable is the packaged version of the “Open Source Prototype System 2” along with installation instructions, and a user guide to installing and running the cloud platform.

D8.2.3 - Community Building

D8.2.3 - Community Building

This deliverable will describe the results of the community building effort. Beyond the open source code base and results, it describes the status of coordinating the building of a community of developers and maintainers around the code base based on an established community.

D8.2.2 - Open Source Prototype System 2

D8.2.2 - Open Source Prototype System 2

This deliverable is composed of the software developed for the first prototype PaaSage system. It describes how to install and run the prototype. The system requirements for installing and running the prototype are also described.

D1.7.2 - User evaluation and feedback from training activities

D1.7.2 - User evaluation and feedback from training activities

This document is about the results of evaluation and training of developers related to the use cases. This deliverable describes the results obtained from the evaluation of all use cases and feedback from training activities (evaluation forms, general outcome, recommendations for further exploitation and research) using the methodological evaluation framework and the results to be collected and analyzed.

D1.6.2 - Final Architecture

D1.6.2 - Final Architecture

This document describes the final architecture of the implemented environment and forms the basis for further exploitation of the products.

D9.1.3 Extended Website

D9.1.3 Extended Website

This is the extended version of the PaaSage Web site, containing additional information on the PaaSage-Enlarged research partners, concept and objectives.

D9.1.1 Initial Website

D9.1.1 Initial Website

This is the first version of the PaaSage Web site, containing project information, announcements for training initiatives and openings for third party collaboration.

D5.1.2 Product Executionware

D5.1.2 Product Executionware

The final implementation - with design documentation - for the mappers, API integrators and execution engine.

D3.1.2 Product Upperware

D3.1.2 Product Upperware

This document describes the architecture of the Upperware layer of PAASAGE at M36. The Upperware contains three main entities, known as the Profiler, the Reasoner, and the Adapter. This deliverable describes the implementation of each of them, as well their interaction through asynchronous messages. It also describes four meta-models internal to the Upperware to ease separation of concerns, in particular with respect to the Profiler and the Adapter.

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This document undergoes minor updates related to the extended eScience use case and the new financial sector use case.

D2.1.3 CAMEL Documentation

D2.1.3 CAMEL Documentation

Cloud computing provides a ubiquitous networked access to a shared and virtualised pool of computing capabilities that can be provisioned with minimal management. Cloud-based applications are applications that are deployed on cloud infrastructures and delivered as services. PaaSage aims to facilitate the modelling and execution of cloud-based applications by leveraging upon modeldriven engineering (MDE) techniques and methods, and by exploiting multiple cloud infrastructures...

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D1.7.3 User Interface Design and Development

D1.7.3 User Interface Design and Development

PaaSage presents business users with the ability to specify business requirements for the deployment of applications on multiple Cloud platforms. In order to deliver this simplicity the project uses a model driven approach where technical models are designed by specialist users for modification by all classes of end user. The creation
of specialist user interfaces enable users to specify, monitor and re-configure Cloud application deployment requirements.

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D9.4.1 - Workshops prototype design

Deliverable D9.4.1

This deliverable describes the PaaSage design and implementation plan for scientific workshops, the experience gained so far from participating in past events, and plans of actions to take in organizing and participating in different types of scientific workshops. The implementation plan presents a list of target events to consider participating in during the course of the project.

D9.3.1 - Initial Training Materials

Deliverable D9.3.1

A success of any platform, either commercial or research-based, cannot solely rely on the exhibited functionality, which obviously constitutes a main differentiation point, as such functionality needs to be complemented with sufficient documentation and training materials which explicate the way this functionality can be exploited in the context of the user goals and requirements. Otherwise, the user will get lost in the overwhelm of features and capabilities of the respective platform and eventually resort to another solution which is better documented...

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D8.2.1-Open Source Prototype System

Deliverable D8.2.1

This document is a introduction to the PAASAGE software platform and the various components developed for the first PAASAGE prototype. It presents the overall objectives of the software and the global architecture, before presenting the minimal work flow implemented for the first prototype. It is not a complete guide to the PAASAGE software, because the real deliverable documented by this brief guide is a prototype, i.e. it is the software itself that is the deliverable

D6.2.1-Components, user scripts and component tests

Deliverable D6.2.1

The original goal of this deliverable was to describe the PaaSage platform components and integration tests according to the Initial Requirements (D6.1.1). However, considering the PaaSage platform scope was less apprehended at the time D6.1.1 has been written, the related Initial Requirements were not detailed enough to establish test cases out of them. It has then been decided to base the test cases in the current document (due for month 24) on the Final Requirements deliverable (D6.1.2), also due for month 24. Nevertheless, it is natural that the PaaSage platform development comes after the requirements definition. That explains why the current feature set of the PaaSage platform does not yet allow a successful execution of the use cases tests (hence the 'did not run' status). Chapter 2 describes the continuous integration platform implemented by Task 6.2 to automate components building, deployment and testing. Chapter 3 introduces the PaaSage components and gives an overview of the platform architecture. The main part of the document stands in chapter 4, and describes the test cases.

D6.1.3 Initial Requirements

Deliverable D6.1.3 Initial-Requirements

This document extends D6.1.1 of the original PaaSage project by describing objectives, requirements and scenarios for the extended eScience case study by AGH and new financial sector by IBSAC, as introduced in the enlarged PaaSage project. The purpose of the document is to describe how the large-size scientific workflows, data farming experiments and financial sector applications will fit into and benefit from the PaaSage framework. The description assumes the current PaaSage architecture based on the deliverables of month 6 and 12 of the project, and presents the case studies in this context. The large-scale scientific workflows will be based on the HyperFlow workflow execution engine developed by AGH....

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D6.1.2-Final Requirements

Deliverable D6.1.2

This deliverable describes the final objectives and requirements of the system resulting from the analysis iterations of the project. The deliverable will provide full traceability of the requirements with respect to the PaaSage use case domains as there are industrial cloud, eScience, and the public sector...

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D2.1.2 v2-CloudML Implementation Documentation

Deliverable D2.1.2

Cloud computing provides a ubiquitous networked access to a shared and virtualised pool of computing capabilities that can be provisioned with minimal management effort. Cloud-based applications are applications that are deployed on cloud infrastructures and platforms, and delivered as services. PaaSage aims to facilitate the specification and execution of cloud-based applications by leveraging upon model-driven engineering (MDE) techniques and methods, and by exploiting multiple cloud infrastructures and platforms...

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D1.7.1-Analysis and Specification of the Evaluation Framework

Deliverable D1.7.1

This document outlines the specification of the PaaSage evaluation framework at the end of the second year of the project. The deliverable describes the PaaSage evaluation framework that defines two complementary evaluation processes: (i) the core evaluation process and (ii) a secondary evaluation process...

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D4.1.1 Prototype Metadata Database and Social Networ k / Prototype of Metadata Integration Extension

Deliverable D4.1.1

The Metadata Database (MDDB) is an important component of the overall PaaSage platform architecture, fulfilling mainly two roles: (a) storing the information required for the correct functioning of the other PaaSage components and (b) is leveraged as an indirect way of communication between two PaaSage components. The MDDB stores all information modeled by the Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) exploited in the context of PaaSage project, and includes additional aspects such as execution histories of applications, descriptions of organizations, cloud providers and roles, and provisioning of triggering rules, among others. A key objective for the MDDB is to ensure the linkage of these additional aspects to the concepts in the respective DSLs...

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D5.1.1 Prototype Executionware/ Prototype New Execution Engine s

Deliverable D5.1.1

The Executionware constitutes a fundamental part of the entire PaaSage system and its architecture. On the one hand, it is responsible for bringing applications to execution that have been modelled and configured in PaaSage - Upperware component. On the other hand, the Executionware is responsible for monitoring the execution of each individual instance of a component - taking features of the respective cloud providers into account. This document presents an overview and documentation for the first prototype of the PaaSage Executionware implementation...

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D3.1.1-Upperware Prototype Report

Deliverable D3.1.1

This document gives an overview of the architecture of the prototype of the Upperware layer of PAASAGE. The Upperware contains three main entities, known as the Profiler, the Reasoner, and the Adapter. This deliverable describes the initial implementation of each of them. It also describes four metamodels internal to the Upperware to ease separation of concerns, in particular with respect to the Profiler and the Adapter.

D2.1.1-CloudML Guide and Assessment Report

Deliverable D2.1.1

Cloud computing provides a ubiquitous networked access to a shared and virtualised pool of computing capabilities that can be provisioned with minimal management effort. Cloud-based applications are applications that are deployed on cloud infrastructures and platforms, and delivered as services. PaaSage aims to facilitate the specification and execution of cloud-based applications by leveraging upon model-driven engineering (MDE) techniques and methods, and by exploiting multiple cloud infrastructures and platforms...

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D1.6.1-Model Based Cloud Platform Upperware

Deliverable D1.6.1

This document outlines the initial PaaSage architecture at the end of the first year of the project. The deliverable describes the key components that make up the PaaSage platform. It also includes an overview of the project requirements and use cases, using a Storyboard approach to link the use case behaviour with the architectural components. Identification of and expected advancement from the state of the art in the field is also part of this document. Finally we outline steps for year 2.

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The PaaSage project is delighted to announce the publication of its first publicly available deliverable. This document describes in detail the four PaaSage use cases that will provide the testing ground for PaaSage in a variety of environments and scenarios. Specifically, it addresses the particular requirements for each use case as well as their motivations for adopting the Cloud-based models...

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