D6.1.2-Final Requirements
This deliverable describes the final objectives and requirements of the system resulting from the analysis iterations of the project. The deliverable will provide full traceability of the requirements with respect to the PaaSage use case domains as there are industrial cloud, eScience, and the public sector...
The traceability with respect to PaaSage components will also be specified along with the rationale for assigning the requirements to the architectural components. Finally the deliverable will contain traceability to the integration tests that were used to verify that the integrated components met the system requirements. The requirements described in this document are based on deliverable D6.1.1 (initial requirements) and extend the description for every scenario of each application domain. The application domains used for this document are:
- Flight scheduling (industrial sector, provided by LSY)
- Industrial Enterprise Resource Planning (industrial sector, provided by BEWAN)
- Financial services (industrial sector, provided by UCY and IBSAC)
- Complex scientific applications/data farming (eScience sector, provided by AGH)
- Resource intensive simulations including the automotive domain (eScience sector, provided by HLRS/ASCS)
- Human milk bank (public sector, provided by EVRY)