PaaSage Glossary


There are many glossaries for CLOUD Computing. The major resources not mentioned in this Introduction are listed below and cover all the main Cloud Computing terms. For an overview Wikipedia provides some information but not a formal glossary For a readable glossary (using icons for terms) see: or for a succinct set of definitions . Other sources are listed below.

PaaSage Glossary

This glossary concentrates on terms unique to, or particularly relevant to, PaaSage.

Term Meaning
Adapter that maintains a causal link with the running application to monitor the execution continuously assessing critical performance indicators. If the actual execution deviates from the ideal deployment model, a new reconfiguration will start triggering the speculative profiler and the intelligent stochastic reasoner to produce a new deployment configuration, and then implement or recommend the necessary deltas and changes to the running application to evolve to this new configuration
CAMEL The Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language (CAMEL) is a domain-specific language (DSL) enabling users to specify multiple aspects of multi-cloud applications, such as provisioning and deployment, service-level objectives, metrics, scalability rules, providers, organisations, users, roles, security controls, execution contexts, and execution histories
DSL A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language tailored to a specific domain of concern, such as cloud computing
Elastic scalability Elasticity is the ability to "scale up or scale down" the capacity to serve at will. Scaling Up is increasing the ability of an individual server. Scaling out is increasing the ability by adding multiple servers to the individual server (source: stackoverflow).
Executionware Performs the the platform specific mapping of the application to the architectural model and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of the execution infrastructure of the Cloud provider, and with capabilities of monitoring the running application and possible reconfiguration to optimise its behaviour.
IDE extending the popular open source development platform Eclipse supporting our Cloud Modelling and Execution Language (CAMEL) and integrating the various components developed by PaaSage
MDDB Metadata Database: containing historical information about past service invocations like the cost of execution, the performance date for different execution platforms and Cloud providers. These metadata can be exchanged transparently with other users of the PaaSage open platform, and can thus be explored remotely by other users when designing and executing their applications that reuse the same services or the same providers
PaaSage PaaSage is an open source integrated platform to support both design and deployment of Cloud applications, together with an accompanying methodology that allows model-based development, configuration, optimisation, and deployment of existing and new applications independently of the existing underlying Cloud infrastructures.
Profiler To analyse existing applications or source code at development time, in order to derive the data dependencies, communication patterns, computing complexities, behavioural and quality characteristics of the functional units helping to establish the application architectural model.
Reasoner capable of identifying feasible configurations satisfying the execution constraints in stochastic settings when the time variant execution parameters can only be observed with uncertainty. The reasoner will learn the better configurations with each application execution, and from the available metadata collected on services and modules locally and through collaborating peers on the net.
Upperware a collection of tools and components used to assist the application development or porting at design time, and then integrate with the execution ware at run-time to facilitate the optimisation of the running application and execution platform. Consists of Profiler, Reasoner, Adapter and the MDDB.

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