D4.1.1 Prototype Metadata Database and Social Networ k / Prototype of Metadata Integration Extension
The Metadata Database (MDDB) is an important component of the overall PaaSage platform architecture, fulfilling mainly two roles: (a) storing the information required for the correct functioning of the other PaaSage components and (b) is leveraged as an indirect way of communication between two PaaSage components. The MDDB stores all information modeled by the Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) exploited in the context of PaaSage project, and includes additional aspects such as execution histories of applications, descriptions of organizations, cloud providers and roles, and provisioning of triggering rules, among others. A key objective for the MDDB is to ensure the linkage of these additional aspects to the concepts in the respective DSLs...
The social network infrastructure described in this deliverable is another important component of the overall PaaSage platform architecture, forming an interface between the PaaSage system and its users, and fostering a community of stakeholders that interact with PaaSage by providing and retrieving knowledge in the area of cloud software engineering. This deliverable describes the first MDDB prototype architecture and implementation of the respective components, including the social network infrastructure. It describes the mapping between the information modeled in the DSLs and the MDDB schema and the corresponding tables and columns by providing particular visualizations of the mappings. It also provides examples of how particular models conforming to these DSLs are mapped to MDDB content. Finally, it presents results from the evaluation of specific components to highlight different aspects of their performance. This deliverable describes in detail the current development status of the MDDB prototype and the components that comprise it, the status of the internal integration effort, and the remaining work to be performed through Month 36 of the project. The MDDB prototype offers the overall functionality planned to date, comprehensively covering the information needed to enable the project use-cases. The path towards integration between the various components of the MDDB relies on the principle of clear separation of responsibilities between components. Overall, the consortium has put significant effort in realizing the MDDB prototype with satisfactory results. While more work lies ahead, the current status forms a solid basis for the project. The implementation plan offers a clear path to further enhancing and finalizing the development of the MDDB and social network prototype.