Publications: 2015

Integration of DSLs and Migration of Models: a case study in the cloud computing domain

AUTHORS: Nikolay Nikolov, Alessandro Rossini, Kyriakos Kritikos


Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are high-level software languages representing concepts in a particular domain. In real-world scenarios, it is common to adopt multiple DSLs to solve different aspects of a specific problem. As any other software artefact, DSLs evolve independently in response to changing requirements, which leads to two challenges. First, the concepts from the DSLs have to be integrated into a single language. Second, models that conform to an old version of the language have to be migrated to conform to its current version. In this paper, we discuss how we tackled the challenge of integrating the DSLs that comprise the Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language (CAMEL) by leveraging upon Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Object Constraint Language (OCL). Moreover, we propose a solution to the challenge of persisting and automatically migrating CAMEL models based on Connected Data Objects (CDO) and Edapt.

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