Publications: 2014

Towards a Generic Language for Scalability Rules

AUTHORS: Jörg Domaschka, Kyriakos Kritikos, Alessandro Rossini

CSB 2014


The PaaSage project aims at facilitating the specification and execution of cloud-based applications by leveraging upon model-driven engineering (MDE) techniques and methods, and by exploiting multiple cloud infrastructures and platforms. Models are frequently specified using domain-specific languages (DSLs), which are tailored to a specific domain of concern. In order to cover the necessary aspects of the specification and execution of multi-cloud applications, PaaSage encompasses a family of DSLs called Cloud Application Modelling and Execution Language (CAMEL). In this paper, we present one DSL within this family, namely the Scalability Rules Language (SRL), which can be regarded as a first step towards a generic language for specifying scalability rules for multi-cloud applications.

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